Sites with Information

http://micrographia.com/index.htm (tutorial on microscopy)
http://micro.magnet.fsu.edu/primer/index.html (everything you want to know aboumicroscopy)
Introduction to Prisms and Beamsplitters
Distortion in Image Intensifier
Cleaning the lenses on a microscope
Image Processing Tools
ImageMagick 4.1 README
Electro-optical (Kerr, Pockels, and Faraday effect)
Microscopy-UK Index Page - Home of Microscopy on the Worldwide Web
Molecular Expressions Microscopy Primer_ Photomicrography - Concepts in Digital Imaging - Micro
Molecular Expressions Microscopy Primer_ Specialized Microscopy Techniques - Fluorescence - Int
Mic-UK [site A] Microscope objective lens Cleaning - Best Practice review
Microscopy-UK Index Page - Home of Microscopy on the Worldwide Web
Molecular Expressions Microscopy Primer_ Photomicrography - Concepts in Digital Imaging - Micro
Molecular Expressions Microscopy Primer_ Specialized Microscopy Techniques - Fluorescence - Int
Renilla GFP_ Discovered and Identified by Function
RLE currents Fall 1999_ Pioneering New Applications for OCT Research Olympus Microscopy Resource Center Anatomy of the Microscope - Eyepieces (Oculars)
Tutorial - Fluorescent Microscope Optics_ C&L Instruments, Inc.

University sites



!Welcome to NSG America, Inc. We provide a variety of fiber optic lenses!
18.4 Probes for Lipid Metabolism and Signaling
amplified CCD
Balzers Thin Films Welcome
Board Cameras
Canyon Materials, Inc. - Products
CARL ZEISS - Optics[F-Z] - information on ICS optics
Carl Zeiss
Data Cell Ltd
Dolan Jenner Industries - Quality FIBER OPTICS ILLUMINATORS
DX-1000 Optical Switch
Edmund Industrial Optics [Advertiser]
Edmund Industrial Optics
Filters for Fluorescence
Forge Europa - Designers and Manufacturers of Optoelectronic Products - LED Lamps, LED Displays, White LED, Blue LED, High Perf
GreatScopes Microscopes and Stereo Microscope
Grinext - GRIN in Russia
GRINTECH GmbH "Gradient Index Optics Technologie"
iPIX - Visual Content Solutions for the Internet
ISee Analytical Imaging Software Home Page
LaVision - We count on Photons
Licensing Opportunities--Technologies
Lomo PLC Home    Microscopes
Los Alamos National Laboratory
Matrox Imaging - Products
MEMS Optical Stock Refractive Microlens Arrays
Microscopy Sample PreparationTechnical Information from Energy Beam Sciences
Molecular Probes
Nanoptics Plastic Fiberoptics in Medical Imaging Tutorial
Near-Infrared Imaging
New IBM optical microscope
Nikon UK Limited - Product Range
Nikon Worldwide Web Sites
Nikon _ CFI60 Optics Overview
Nikon _ TE300_200
Olympus America Product Page
Omega Optical - filter sets for nearly every fluorescent dye used in microscopy
OPTICS.ORG News and New Products
Optiscan - Leaders In Confocal Laser Imaging
pacer components for lasers,leds,photodiodes,photodetectors and optoelectronic components
Photonic Science Home Page
PicoQuant - Fluorescence Lifetime Systems, Picosecond Diode Lasers, TCSPC Systems
Quantitative Imaging Corporation (4)
Roithner-Lasertechnik Laserdiode laserdiode optics Linienlaser medicallaser lasermodule
S C R E E N T E C • P R O D U C T I O N
SCHOTT glass made of ideas - Schott Faseroptik - Products - Cold Light Sources -
Schott Glass Technologies Inc. Products and Applications
Schott Glass Technologies Inc. Research & Development
SETI.Germany- Suche nach auAYerirdischer Intelligenz - Stickers, Stats and more ...
STRESING-line scan cameras_Zeilenkameras
T&MW Online--Old Microscopes Learn New Tricks
TCSPC Modules, Ultrafast Multiscalers, GHz Amplifiers and more...
Teflon(R) AF Home Page
Type I, II, III (1,2,3) anodizing systems
Uniphase Laser Product Catalog -- Acrobat Version
VayTek, vaytek home page, Scientific Image Processing Systems, Deconvolution, 3D Rendering, 3D
Welcome to Nanonics
Welcome to Schott Fiber Optics
WHO_Europe homepage
XENON_ High-Performance Light Systems